Company Culture
Helping Clients to maximize their time
Positive Culture
Positive company culture is so much more than words on a wall. It is the overall attitude and environment within Bottleneck. We empower our team to make their own decisions based on these guidelines:

Company Culture
Running a business is not easy. It’s even harder if you are trying to do everything yourself. There are tasks that you’re not skilled at, drain you of energy or take too much of your time. As your company grows, it becomes harder to multitask and still be efficient. The benefits of hiring a qualified Dedicated Distant Assistant will alleviate you from working in your job so you can focus on your best work.
The Unique Filipino Culture
The Philippines has an affinity to Western culture given the course of the country’s history. Filipinos not only learn English and speak it well. They love American sports, crave cheeseburgers, tune into American series and listen to Western music on their downtime.
This immersion in foreign culture helps them engage effectively with clients from overseas. They can use slang and idioms clients can comprehend and carry out extended conversations easily.

The Filipino heritage also makes them appealing to foreign markets. Filipinos have a lot of favorable traits: good work ethic, adaptability, and high commitment towards their peers. This commitment or regard for others is the Filipino culture of “Pakikipagkapwa”. It means that Filipinos can identify and connect with others quite well, be it at work or in the social context.
Pakikipagkapwa stems from the word “kapwa”, which means fellow human being. This cultural trait renders Filipinos open and connected with others, and regard them with dignity and respect. Pakikipagkapwa is demonstrated in the Filipino’s sense of justice and fairness, empathy, helpfulness, generosity, and hospitality. This regard for others makes Filipinos sensitive to the quality of interpersonal relationships that they develop. When portrayed and acknowledged positively, this gives them the strength to go on and unite towards a good cause.
Filipino workers are also known to be resilient and resourceful. They can fulfill their tasks with little supervision, despite the challenges they may encounter.
This ability to be self-sufficient can alleviate some concerns when hiring distant workers. All these things make the Filipino culture a unique combination. They have the attentive hospitality and compassion typical of Easterners, but with the Western cultural influence that allows them to adapt to their clients’ sensibilities. Bottleneck Distant Assistants believe that these cultural affiliations, on top of a wide array of skill sets possessed by qualified Dedicated Distant Assistants place Filipinos among the best choices when outsourcing offshore workers.
Literate, Talented Workforce
The country’s literacy rate is high, indexed at 98.3% in a survey of the Philippine Statistics Association in April 2018. This means that most of the population can generally read, write, and understand basic messages in any language or dialect, including English. In fact, English is an official language in the country. The language is introduced to children as early as preschool, and is used as a medium of instruction in basic through tertiary education. But the Philippines differ from other non-native countries implementing the use of English in their educational systems. The language is more than just a subject taught in school.
Filipinos use English as a primary tool for communication in their everyday lives. Signages reading, “Ice for Sale” and “Don’t Block the Driveway” can be found in cities as frequently as in remote areas. These are not the typical examples found in textbooks used to teach usage of the language but all corners teem with. In recent years, an influx of foreign students who wish to learn English as a second language (ESL) have gone to the Philippines to study, enticed by the low cost of education and highly-skilled ESL teachers. The country’s premier universities also offer classes completely taught in English, encouraging more international enrollees aiming for graduate and postgraduate degrees.
Bottleneck Distant Assistants look for communication skills of Filipinos when hiring. Each year, thousands of college graduates join the pool of talent eager to obtain employment and training. The company primarily seeks to hire from individuals that have acquired these skills in addition to looking for candidates experienced in certain areas of expertise.

Advantages of Outsourcing to the Philippines
A Worker Home Country
The Philippines is a rich source of qualified talents with great disposition to work, whether locally or overseas. According to the Online Labour Index (September 2018), the Philippines is among the top 20 in worker home countries.

A Worker Home Country
Filipino remote workers typically receive higher compensation compared to their counterparts from other top countries for outsourcing. But the low cost of living in the country corresponds to the low cost of labor. Yet you still receive high-quality output by highly-skilled and competitive workers.
Over the past decade, the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has flourished in the country. Most of which focus on customer care or business support. But with the continuous advancements in technology, the industry started to change. As most households now have access to better hardware and ISPs, some have shifted from traditional office work to remote work setups.
Outsource Through Bottleneck Distant Assistants
Our Dedicated Distant Assistants are vetted based on several factors. They are evaluated according to workplace requirements, English comprehension, attitude, and job-specific skill sets. Employment availability is also taken into consideration when hiring.

Employee retention is given new life by transforming the workplace environment. In the true spirit of Pakikipagkapwa, we have an established network of Dedicated Distant Assistants who can serve as go-to partners for their workmates. This will encourage them to go the extra mile and seek long-term positions in the company.
Employee benefits are not compulsory but highly encouraged. It can assist businesses in gaining an advantage in the competitive market. Particularly with Filipinos, there is the “13th Month Pay” or “Christmas Bonus.” It is equivalent to one month’s worth of salary usually paid in late November. You are also free to choose other ways on how to reward your assistant for their outstanding work.
Through all these, we ease the stress that comes with identifying applicants and hiring quality candidates. Our goal is to foster a workplace founded on trust and confidentiality between you and our Dedicated Distant Assistants.
Save time on running your business, and enjoy the real-life benefits of outsourcing. Leave the hiring to us. You’re in good hands with Bottleneck Distant Assistants.